
Industry Cart

Complexo Industrial

The inauguration of the Cart Industrial Complex, composed of 17 factories, represented a historic milestone for our organization, since the company has its roots in the restaurant industry and through its persistence and joint effort it managed to become the great structure it is today, contributing to the evolution of the National Industry.



Fábrica de Moagem de Trigo

In this factory, wheat flour is produced according to the production plan and meeting the needs of customers. The wheat milling process is divided into several main steps.

First, the wheat grain is received in the Grain Silo, where it is stored under strict conditions of hygiene, temperature and humidity to ensure correct conservation. After this initial stage, the wheat is transferred to the daily production silos, where it undergoes a cleaning and preparation process for processing.

In the milling section, the wheat is processed by the milling machines, which transform, sieve and classify the grain. The wheat is then converted into flours and bran, the main product being flour, followed by bran and germ. There are several types of flour, specified according to the desired final product.

The factory is equipped with state-of-the-art and modern technology, allowing the production and supply of different types of flour to a wide range of customers, including end consumers, supermarkets, large supermarkets, bakery and pastry industries, as well as other industrial sectors.

290 000 TPD


Fábrica de Moagem de Milho

In this factory, we produce White and Yellow Cornmeal as well as Gritz according to the production plan and customers’ needs. The corn milling process is divided into several main steps.

The Cereal Silo receives the corn kernel, according to the specifications defined for the different types of cornmeal, and stores it under strict conditions of hygiene, temperature and humidity to ensure the best possible conservation.

The milling process involves reducing the particle size of the cleaned whole grain corn by removing the original germ and fiber from the corn. The degemination, reduction and separation of the particle size are carried out with equipment similar to those used in the milling of wheat flour.

After this step, the cornmeal and/or gritz is ready to be made available to end consumers, supermarkets or industrial customers.

280 000


Fábrica de Embalamento de Cesta Básica

In this factory, all the finished products related to the basic basket are packaged, such as wheat flour, cornmeal, rice, beans, powdered milk, milk porridge and salt. The factory uses automatic processes equipped with the highest quality control technology.

The packaging process includes several machines, groupers and palletizers, which ensure the total food safety of the products. The products are packaged in different types of packaging with food use certificates and are available in various formats, from 350 and 500 grams to 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 kg, depending on the product and its uses.

120 000 TPD


Fábrica de Arroz

The grain arrives at the Rice Factory by road or rail. All trucks are weighed and unloaded into a piece of equipment called a hopper, where the type of rice and its characteristics are immediately checked, as well as quality control.

After this step, and before entering the processing area, the rice is cleaned to remove all impurities. The rice then goes through the following processes:

  • Peeler: Machine that removes the hull from the grains.
  • Separator: Machine that separates the beans that still have husks from the hulled beans.
  • Blanch: Processes the rice so that the grains are clear and free of any remaining husks.
  • Polisher: Machines that polish the grains, making them smooth and without irregularities.
  • Classification and Selection: Machines that separate good beans from broken and/or dark beans.
240 000 TPD


Fábrica de Bolachas e Bolos 

The raw materials and subsidiary materials arrive at the Biscuit Factory according to the technical specifications of each one. After receiving, storing and dosing the ingredients, the massage stage begins. With the dough ready, it is molded into the desired shape through a cookie molding machine and then sent to the oven.

The formation of the biscuits is carried out in different forms, according to the type of biscuit to be produced. After baking in temperature-controlled ovens, the biscuits and cakes are transferred to a cooling system that reduces the temperature of the products.

The final step in the process is packaging. Depending on the type of final packaging, the product is directed to different packaging machines. All packaging operations are automated. At this stage, the biscuit packages go through quality control equipment to ensure that the product shipped meets the legal parameters and guarantees maximum food safety.

40 000 TPD


Fábrica de Massas Alimentícias

The Pasta Factory operates with a continuous system of feeding flour, water, and other ingredients, along with an extrusion device. After receiving the raw materials, they are evaluated for their quality and undergo a cleaning and classification process. Then, the raw materials are sent to the mixing system, where they are combined with water.

In the next step, with the dough already homogeneous, the extrusion process begins, which shapes the dough according to the desired type: both short pasta, such as pasta and elbows, as well as long pasta, such as spaghetti, can be produced. The drying stage is crucial to give the texture and quality to the final product.

After drying, the dough is subjected to the packaging and palletizing process. The pallets are then sent to the finished product warehouse, ready for distribution.

162 000 TPD


Fábrica de Cereais de Pequeno-Almoço

The factory has automatic continuous lines for the production of direct expanded cereals. The different breakfast cereals are produced according to the best international practices in the sector.

The solid raw materials are initially mixed and then fed into the extruder via a volumetric doser. In the extruder, water is added to the solid raw materials in a constant proportion, adjusted according to the type of product to be obtained.

The pasta cooking process is optimized according to the product to be processed, using a predefined temperature profile to achieve the desired degree. The product expands as it exits the extruder die and is subsequently cut by rotating blades.

After extrusion, the product is sent directly to the drying section. It then passes through a refrigerator that reduces the temperature of the product to acceptable levels, compatible with storage and packaging.

Finally, the product is packaged in small and large formats, as per the specifications of the target consumer.

37 000 TPD


Refinaria de Óleo Alimentar 

Vegetable oil is a fat extracted from the seeds of plants such as soybeans, palm , and sunflowers. The oil’s journey begins when the seeds are received at the refinery, where they undergo thorough cleaning to remove impurities and prepare them for the extraction process. After cleaning, the seeds are crushed and the crude oil is extracted.

The crude oil is then routed to the refining process, which is continuous and comprises several phases. During refining, unwanted components such as phosphatides, fatty acids, and polymers are removed. The process includes steps such as degumming, where phosphatides are eliminated, neutralization to remove free acids, deodorization to eliminate odors, and discoloration to ensure the desired appearance.

At the end of this process, the vegetable oil is transformed into edible oil, ready to be used in various applications. The final product meets quality and safety standards, ensuring that it can be used according to the needs of consumers and the market.

300 000 TPD


The refinery works with any type of seed, be it soybean, palm, sunflower

Fábrica de Enchimento de Óleo Vegetal

The plant is equipped to fill the vegetable oil produced in the refinery into bottles with capacities of 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter, 3 liters and 5 liters. The filling process is carried out through automatic lines that also blow, fill, cap and label the bottles. This automated system ensures that the final product is packaged with great robustness and that it has the ability to be stored for a long period of time.

After filling and packaging, the oil bottles are grouped into cartons. These boxes are then placed on pallets and stored in the finished product warehouse. In this warehouse, the products are ready to be distributed and sold.

800 TPD


Fábrica de Maionese e Molhos

Mayonnaise and other sauces are creamy emulsions obtained by mixing raw materials under intense mechanical agitation. The consistency of the emulsion depends on the ingredients used in the formulation. For the production of sauces, equipment with a vacuum mixer is used, which prevents the incorporation of oxygen during the process of homogenization of the ingredients, ensuring the quality of the sauces.

The emulsion itself is formed by a colloidal mill. The sequence and average times of the addition and mixing phases of the ingredients are strictly followed to obtain a sauce with a good texture and pleasant flavor.

After completing the emulsion process, the sauce is transferred to a lung tank and subsequently to the filling line. The packages vary in size according to the consumer’s needs.

13 500 TPD


Fábrica de Margarina

This factory has the capacity to produce margarine to enjoy with bread, for industrial processes and to use in the kitchen as raw material.

The fat mixtures constitute the fatty phase of margarine. The purpose of making the fat mixture is to obtain a homogeneous mixture. This will ensure that the product remains firm under refrigeration, but reasonably spreadable and that it easily melts in your mouth. The margarine will be packaged in packages of 250, 400 and 900 grs for daily consumption at home and also in jars of 5 and 10 liters for more intensive use, kitchens or industries.

30 000 TPD


Fábrica de Leite Condensado

Condensed milk is produced following a standardized sequence that includes centrifugation, filtration, pasteurization, addition of sugar, vaporization and addition of lactose.

During the condensed milk production process, a percentage of the water content of the raw materials is removed. Then, substances are added that stabilize, sweeten and homogenize the product. After production is completed, condensed milk is packaged in appropriate containers for consumption.

20 000 TPD


Fábrica de Rações

The work flowchart was defined with the combination of the most varied stages of production, ranging from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of the finished product.

The main stages of the animal feed production process are grinding, dosing, mixing and treatment (pelleting, extrusion). A factor that needs to be carefully analyzed is the choice of the way feed is processed.

It will produce feed for pigs, cattle, chickens, chicks and fish, from the by-products coming from the different factories of the Industrial Complex, such as bran, corn, broken rice, etc. They are packed in 50 Kg bags or Big Bags. It can also be sold in bulk in its own cistern.

600 TPD


The reintegration of the promotion of family farming into the national economy

Fábrica de Sabão

Soap making is mainly based on the reaction between sodium or potassium hydroxides and fatty acids. Soaps are classified into “hard soaps”, produced from sodium hydroxide, and “soft soaps”, manufactured with potassium hydroxide.

The products manufactured include piece soap, such as green soap, and soaps. After production, soaps and soaps are packaged in paper or plastic, according to their application.

200 TPD


Fábrica de Carnes 

At the Meat Factory, various processes of cutting, processing and packaging of pork and beef are carried out. Processing includes any change in the properties of the incoming meat, which may involve cutting, processing, and packaging.

After the processing stages, the meat undergoes refrigeration and/or freezing processes to extend the shelf life and ensure food safety. On packaging, each product is given an expiration date, ensuring that the consumer can use the product with complete confidence.

10 000 TPD


Fábrica de Vinagre

The vinegar factory specializes in the production of vinegar through a controlled fermentation process. The process begins with the reception and preparation of raw materials, which include different types of fermentable raw materials, such as fruits and cereals.

The workflow in the factory covers the following main steps: reception and washing of the raw materials, alcoholic fermentation, acetic fermentation and filtration. During alcoholic fermentation, the sugars present in the raw materials are converted into alcohol. Then, in acetic fermentation, the alcohol is transformed into acetic acid through the action of acetic bacteria.

After fermentation, the vinegar is filtered to remove any impurities and ensure the purity of the final product. The vinegar is then matured in controlled tanks, where it develops its desired flavor and characteristics.

Finally, the vinegar is packaged in different formats, according to the needs of the market, in jars or bottles of various sizes.

20 TPD


Refinaria de Açúcar

Cart Industry is in the process of building the largest sugar refinery in the SADC region, with a refining capacity of 3,000 tons per day. This project represents a major challenge for Angola and marks a significant return to the history of the country, which in the 1960s and 1970s was self-sufficient in sugar production and managed all exports from the municipality of Catumbela.

The project, which is based on a five-year plan, is extremely important for both the company and the country. It aims to implement the vertical integration of the sugar chain, which will allow Angola to resume self-sufficiency in sugar production and enable the export of 30 to 35% of the refinery’s production.

900 000 TPD


Refinaria de Soja

Based on the business strategy and considering that the group already has a cooking oil refinery, the investment in the construction of a soybean factory represents a natural evolution of the structure. The new plant, the largest in Africa with a capacity of 4,000 tons per day (TPD), will allow not only the processing of soybeans, but also sunflower. This development will enable the company to cease importing crude oil and move towards Angola’s self-sufficiency.

The implementation of this project follows a vertical integration strategy, and it is essential that the transport of raw material for processing in our factories is carried out by rail, ensuring efficiency and sustainability in the production process.

1 200 000 TPD


Complexo Industrial
Carrinho II  (WAKANDA)

Called the Wakanda project (Cart II Industrial Complex – Quitumbe), it is the industrial project that challenges the company in all its extremes. As one of the largest vertically integrated food industry projects in the world, it has a total processing capacity of 15,000 TPD. With this project, we aim to transform Angola into one of the largest exporters of food products in Africa, changing the paradigm of the country that in the last 27 years has been one of the largest importers in Africa. Consisting of 21 factories, this project will meet all our technology, safety and investment standards.



15 000 TPD

Total Capacity